Items of Interest

The following items and links may not be directly related to Vipassana teachings but may be of interest and have been recommended by one of our sangha.


Why Attend a Residential Retreat


The YMCA Mindfulness Groups offer a free 7-week psychoeducational and support group for young adults ages 18-30 who experience anxiety. Participants learn healthy coping skills, connect with other young people in the community, and get support all in a safe and friendly environment. Programming is supervised by trained mental health professionals.

The group provides a safe, supportive environment where you can meet others who have had similar experiences and includes:

  • Educational workshops about anxiety and other mental health related topics
  • Practicing evidence-based mindfulness techniques during workshops, a proven tool to help manage anxiety
  • An introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), an evidenced based therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies
  • Take-home resources to help manage anxiety in between weekly meetings
  • A seven-week YMCA-YWCA Vancouver Island gym membership to encourage young adults to manage their anxiety through physical activity

If anxiety is impacting your life and preventing you from doing what you want or need to do, this group can help support you. Join us to learn mindfulness techniques, get helpful tools and resources, and meet other like-minded young adults.

Registration / Information

Attending an information session is mandatory prior to participating in the program. Register for an upcoming information session by emailing us (please include your contact information and birth date).

Registration / Information

Attending an information session is mandatory prior to participating in the program. Register for an upcoming information session by emailing us (please include your contact information and birth date).

In 2018-2020 we will be holding Mindfulness Groups at the Downtown and Westhills (Langford) Y locations.

Y Mind Program description and details –

Radical Dharma: A budding People of Colour (POC) sangha.
For full information  please click here

Ajahn Tiradhammo’s blog can be read at
One of Ajahn Tiradhammo’s talks can be listened to at BIA(Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives)
Upon opening the  BIA website, click on “Other Dhamma Media” , then click on “Audio”, and next Click on the “Tradition  of Ajahn Chah”.  The talk Ajahn Tiradhammo gave in Bangkok on February 20th  can be downloaded and listened to. The title is:  Buddhist Teachings Supported(and added to) by Brain Research.


Feb 2014

Poems and Koans from Sunday Sit with Margo McLoughlin

click here


Yeshua in Buddhist Asia III – Winter 2013-14

This year Anitra and I traveled to Asia to visit the sites of the Buddhist cave monasteries of Meal Drum and others.

For the rest of the story  Part1  and    Part2


2013/02/05 Sitting in the birthplace of Buddha

Prepared by Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan. Feb 2013.

Anitra and I just concluded a retreat in Lumbini, Nepal under the direction of Vivekananda, a German born Buddhist monk who is in charge of the U Pandita associated meditation centre there.

To read the full article click: Birthplace sit


The Benefits of Meditation and Sacrifice
Aung San Suu Kyi
Click to download