Scholarship Fund


The Victoria Insight Meditation Society is very pleased to offer its members the possibility of scholarships  for Theravada insight meditation retreats and for fee-based courses offered by Victoria IMS. These scholarships will usually cover up to 30% of course fees or 30% of accommodation and meal costs for residential retreats longer than a weekend up to a maximum of $250.  Exceptions can be made under special circumstances.

Scholarships are based on need and intended to assist active members of the VictoriaIMS who may not otherwise be able to attend longer Theravada insight meditation retreats or fee based courses offered by Victoria IMS. Active members are those who regularly participate in VictoriaIMS study groups, sitting groups or who have taken a VictoriaIMS non-residential, or residential retreat within one year of application.  Applicants must not have received a scholarship from us within one year. They will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.

The Scholarship Fund is made possible by the generous dana (donations) that members have contributed. So thank you all!

Please contact Brock Brown, VictoriaIMS Chairperson

Victoria Insight Meditation Society Scholarship Fund Request

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