Victoria IMS Council Meeting Minutes (approved)
Thursday, October 1st, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Online meeting
(chaired by Brock Brown)
Brock Brown, Rhonda Duncan, Bruce MacRae, Brian Chapel , June Fukushima, Sandra Joy (until 7:30 p.m.)
Absent with Regrets:
Agenda Items:
- Review and Approve Council Meeting Agenda:
Motion from Bruce to approve the agenda. Carried. - Sandra stepping down from council:
Brock thanked Sandra for her contributions. Sandra thanked the rest of council. All shared reflections on the years past. Sandra left the meeting at 7:30 p.m. - Brian took the minutes.
- Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting (August 20th, 2020):
There were no changes to the draft minutes. Motion from Rhonda to approve the minutes. Carried. - Business arising from the Minutes and Updates:
A total of 47 people attended Brock’s online retreat.
At any given time there were about 25 people connected. - Finances
The January thru August financial report from Wei Wu was circulated to all council members by email prior to the meeting.
Accounts Reporting Period Aug 1 2020 – Aug 31 2020
Chequing: $ 3015.34
Savings: $ 7323.93
TOTAL: $10,339.27
Event insurance cancelled – waiting for refund cheque
June will ask Suzan to send us an invoice for the work she did for us on the two previous retreats.
June motioned to receive the Jan-Aug Financial Report. Carried.
Rhonda will replace Sandra as a signer for our accounts at Coast Capital Savings.
- Sunday Night Sit
Still on hold due to pandemic.
- Communications (newlsetter, website, Constant Contact)
Motion from Brock to pay $150 for 3 years of automatic website backups. Carried.
June could not download a report from Constant Contact. The company tells us that the open rate for our emails is well above the industry standard. 50% of that happens on on mobile devices.
June talked about how appropriate the tone of the newsletter is.
Rhonda agreed to take over from Sandra as the owner of the Zoom account after Christina’s retreat.
- Future Online Retreats:
- Joanna found a way to get Zoom to generate a list of meeting attendees. That is all we really need.
- Brock suggested that for the first part of 2020 we ask the scheduled teachers to do one-day online retreats because of the difficulty of getting volunteers. One-day events require less of a commitment than an entire weekend so they are less intimidating for new helpers.
- Brock suggested adding a retreat in March, asking Tuere to move hers back by one week and asking all teachers to make their retreats one-day events. This would bring more regularity to our 2021 retreat schedule.
- Discussion of possible managers for future online retreats.
- It would be nice to modify the registrar’s role so that it is concluded when the retreat begins.
- The feed back from our first two online retreats has been very positive and encouraging.
- 2020 Retreat Programs remaining
- Oct 17/18 Christina Feldman
- Nov 14/15 Carol Wilson
- Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Next Council Meeting
November 19th, 2020 online at 7:00 p.m.