2020/06/11 Council minutes AGM 2020

Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)
 Annual General Meeting – Minutes (approved)
Thursday June 11, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Online meeting
Agenda Items:

  1. Call to order

The meeting started at 7:15 p.m.  Welcome by the Chair.

  1. Establish Quorum (minimum 3 members per VIMS’ bylaws)

Council Members: Brock Brown, Brian Chapel, Rhonda Duncan, June Fukushima, Bruce MacRae, Sandra Joy
Members: Rod House, Joyce Elliott, Joan Glover, John Hilditch
Guests: Isabelle House
Absent with regrets: None.

  1. Approve Agenda

Motion from Brian Chapel to approve the agenda.

  1. Approve Minutes from June 13th, 2019 AGM

Motion from Rod House to approve the minutes from the June 13th, 2019 AGM.

  1. Financial Statement for January to December 2019
    June Fukushima continued to fulfill the role of Treasurer in 2019 and Wei Wu the role of Bookkeeper.  Thanks to both June and Wei for their ongoing efficient oversight of Victoria IMS finances.

Account balances as of December 31st, 2019:

Chequing Account:              $2,429.37
Savings Account:                 $6,815.43
TOTAL:                                  $9,244.80
June Fukushima spoke to the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual figures and to the Balance Sheet, answering all questions posed.
June motioned to receive the 2019 financials.

  1. Review of Financial Records
    There was no review of the Financial Records this year due to the lockdown limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It should be done when things open up again.

Bruce MacRae motioned for John Hilditch to conduct the review when it becomes feasible.

  1. Determine if audit is required
    John Hilditch moved that, based on the review of the Financial Records in previous years, we do not require an audit.


  1. Directors’ reports

The reports were pre-circulated to the members of Victoria IMS. Brock Brown proposed thanks to the executive for their efforts on behalf of Victoria IMS
Motion from Brock Brown to accept the Directors’ reports.

  1. Election of officers

All current directors were willing to stand for another year and informed Brock Brown, as Chair, that they met the necessary requirements. Brock Brown asked if there were further nominations and there were none.
Officers acclaimed on slate presented:

Brock Brown             – President
Bruce MacRae         – Vice-President
June Fukushima       – Treasurer
Sandra Joy                – Secretary
Brian Chapel             – Director at large
Rhonda Duncan       – Director at large
Motion from Brock Brown to accept the slate of council.

  1. General
  2. There was a general discussion about the retreats including the numbers of attendees, observable trends, the presence of young people, and participants’ appreciation for the actions Victoria IMS took to facilitate an all gender washroom for use during retreats.
  3. Joyce Elliott thanked June Fukushima for organizing and replenishing the retreat boxes with supplies in between the retreats.
  4. Thanks were given to Rod House for taking care of website hosting affairs for so many years. This responsibility has been transferred now to Bruce MacRae.
  5. Brock Brown spoke to the cancellation of some retreats – April (Pascal Auclair), May (Ajaan Geoff) and July (Howie Cohn) – due to the COVID-19 pandemic and also the suspension of the in-person Sunday Night Community Sit at the yoga studio.
  6. Brock also spoke to the fact that Council was currently looking into the possibility of holding our fall retreats in a virtual model.
  7. Adjournment

Motion from Brock Brown to Adjourn.
Carried – 8:50p.m.