2013/07/18 VIMS council minutes

Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)
Minutes of VIMS Council Meeting  July 18, 2013
Location:  Home of  Brock Brown Victoria, BC

Brock Brown president – Chair
Bruce MacRae -Vice-president
Grant Smith – Treasurer
Theresa Aspol  – Director
June Fukushima – Director – Recorder
Lawrie Thicke – Director

Brian Chapel  – secretary

Following a brief meditation, the meeting was called to Order at 7:10 pm.

1.Approval of the Agenda
Two amendments were made to the pre-circulated agenda.
Moved by Lawrie Thicke
Carried (Implemented).

2.Approval of the Minutes from the 2013-06-26 VIMS Council Meeting
Moved by June Fukushima
Carried (Implemented).

3.Business arising from the Minutes and Updates
i)Sangha Social at the home of Rod and Isy House July 10, 2013
Appreciations were expressed. The Council thanks Rod and Isy for hosting and for the performers – the Band (Lawrie, Rod, Brock); Storytelling with Margo, Magic with the Cool Magic Dude – Eric, and Opera from Chanthavouth.  35 people attended.
Actions:  June to check with people who were part of the video recording Bruce took of the band playing so that it can be put on the VIMS website and highlighted in a newsletter.

ii)Howie Cohn visit Aug 3 – 5, 2013
Registrations as of today: 98.
Co-Managers:  Isy House and Blaire Pardee; Registrar and Sound:  Rod House.
Trying a new approach:  Setting the cut off for registrations very high at 120 with the expectation based on past experience that up to 1/3rd of the registrants will either cancel or not show up.  This should allow everyone who wants to attend to attend and lessen the work for the Registrar trying to fill from the waitlist on the last few days before the retreat when most cancellations occur.

iii)Invitation from Mission Dharma for surprise birthday wishes to Howie (birthday is in  October).
Actions:  Lawrie to send an email to registrants after the retreat inviting participants to send wishes to Howie  c/o Victoria Insight.
June will collect the wishes and send them to Mission Dharma.
Brock to draft a letter on behalf of VIMS and send to Mission Dharma

iv)Arinna Weisman has cancelled her visit to Victoria Aug 18, 2013.

v) Sunday night Sit – 5 year celebration.
This year marks 5 years of the weekly Sunday night sit.
Brock suggested a special Sunday night
Sunday nights are meaningful to people. Gratitude expressed to Brock for his efforts in organizing for the past 5 years.

Completed Actions:
Approved minutes showing signing officer change brought to Coast Capital per their request.  Done.

4.  Financial Update from Grant
General Fund Balance:  $2924.49  (plus $2404;31 in pre -paid expenses).
The venue for the Sept. retreat with Solwazi Johnson has been paid.

Discretionary Fund $3002.85  (no change from last report).
Lawrie moved to accept the verbal financial report.  Carried.  Implemented.

5. Communications
As of July 6, 2013: 61/462 people had not opened a VIMS newsletter at least once in the past 4 months.  The 61 people will be sent an email asking if they still want to receive the VIMS newsletter.
Action: June to update Constant Contact list.

Bruce has spoken with Rod and now has access to the Host Papa account.
Host Papa: $169 for 3 years ($56 per year for server and domain name.).This is under a 3 year contract that expires in 2014.  Privacy – $16 a year.   Rod is willing to keep his name as the credit card holder.

Action: Bruce will print off the Host Papa account statement and give to Grant.

6. Study Group
Theresa gave an update. Sept  8, 2013 is the first meeting date scheduled.
Each second Sunday has been booked with the yoga studio for Sept – Dec.2013
Action: Theresa in process with confirmation with Heather to ensure Heather is still able to make the Sept. date and to find out what Heather’s focus will be for the fall.
Action:  June and Bruce to announce confirmed dates in the newsletter and on the website.

7.  2013 Retreats
• Solwazi Johnson Sept 28/29
A decision was made to open Registrations:  Monday Aug 26th.
Manager – Brock; Registrar – June;  Sound – Bruce or Rod.
Solwazi to stay at Brock and June’s home.
Action: Theresa will check if someone would like to co-manage.

• Adrianne Ross Nov 2/3
Manager –  Joyce.  Registrar – Lawrie.
Adrianne will stay at Joyce’s home.
Action: Brock will be in contact with Adrianne on theme for retreat.

8.  Support for CDL teachers (Margo and Brock) and Guiding Teacher (Heather)
At the request of Lawrie, members shared their perspectives on VIMS programs in relation to the number of teachers who are local and those we invite beyond BC.

-Margo plans to offer an 8 week course Oct 8 – Nov 26th 2013 – “The Path of Awareness: Applying the Buddha’s Teachings in Daily Life.”
Action: Margo will send info to June by Aug 12th for the website and the newsletter.
Action: Bruce will post information on the website and set up the vimscourses gmail account link for registration information.

9. 2014 Retreats
i)Margo McLoughlin one–day –  November  –
Lawrie confirmed that Margo is available and will offer a retreat.
Action:  Date to be determined.

ii)Eve Decker concert offering on Friday, May 23, 2013.
Brock proposed the idea of a concert of dhamma music.  Rod, Brock and Lawrie are endorsers.
A possible venue is the Gordon Head United Church 4201 Tyndall Ave.
Council asked for more time to consider this proposal
Action: Bring Forward

iii) Howard Cohn – August 2014
Council was in agreement that Brock ask Howie to teach in Victoria if Howie is on Salt Spring Island in 2014.

10. Policies

i) Lost and Found policy – review and approve updated policy.  See last page.
Lawrie moved to approve the pre-circulated, updated policy developed by Sandra Joy, Lawrie Thicke and June Fukushima. The policy reflects the changes to Lost and Found items at Goward House.  Sandra has offered to take items left behind from Goward House to her home.  Lawrie has agreed to send out a group email to participants following a retreat announcing Lost and Found items. This change helps VIMS  maintain good relations with Goward House and not burden their small Lost and Found area.  The new procedure was tried for past retreats. It is working well.  Council thanks Sandra and Lawrie for their extra efforts.
Action:  Bruce will update the VIMS website
Action:   Brian Chapel will update the Secretary’s Binder.
Action:   June to update the VIMS policy document.

Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

Agenda Items Not covered:
1. Policies
-Scholarship, review existing policy – any changes needed?

-Communications policy review – changes?

2. 2015 Retreat Plans

Next Meeting    Date:      Aug 15, 2013     Time:  7:00-9:30
Place: Grant and Theresa.  #311  20 Olympia Ave.  (off of Dallas Rd).Blue and white building.



Lost and Found Protocol
Approved  by VIMS Council June 2, 2011

1.       Any item left after a meditation retreat at Goward House will be taken to the Goward House’s front desk to be included in their lost and found box.  People can phone Goward House directly about lost items.

2.       Any item left after any VictoriaIMS activity in other venues will be kept for a one month period giving the owner time to reclaim their item.  After one month, unclaimed items will be either set out for any sangha member to have or will be donated to a thrift store.

3.        Irrespective of the venue, if an item has considerable value (eg wallet, glasses) an active attempt will be made to find the owner of the item.


Lost and Found Protocol
Approved  by VIMS Council June 2, 2011;  Revised: July 18, 2013

1.    Items left behind after a meditation retreat at Goward House will be taken to a VIMS’ volunteer’s home. A Lost and Found announcement email will be sent to those registered for the retreat.

2.       Any item left after any Victoria IMS activity in other venues will be kept for a one month period giving the owner time to reclaim their item.  After one month, unclaimed items will be either set out for any sangha member to have or will be donated to a thrift store.

3.        Irrespective of the venue, if an item has considerable value (e.g. wallet, glasses) an active attempt will be made to find the owner of the item.