Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)
Annual General Meeting
Minutes (approved)
Thursday May 25, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Items:
- Call to order
- Establish Quorum (minimum 3 members per VIMS’ bylaws)
Council: Brock Brown, Brian Chapel, Rhonda Duncan, June Fukushima, Bruce MacRae
Members: John Hilditch, Rod House, Joyce Elliott
Guests: Shelly Hilditch, Isabelle House
Absent with regrets: Joan Glover (Founding Member), Sandra Joy (Council)
- Approve Agenda
Motion from RodHouse to approve the agenda.
- Approve Minutes from May 26th, 2016 AGM
Motion from John Hilditch to approve the minutes from the May 26th, 2016 AGM.
(Bruce MacRaetomodifythewebsitetoindicatethatthe2016 AGM minutesareapproved)
- Financial Statement for January to December 2015
June Fukushima continued to fulfill the role of Treasurer in 2016 and Wei Wu the role of Bookkeeper. Thanks to both June and Wei for their efficient oversight of VIMS finances.
Account balances as of December 31st, 2016:
Chequing Account: $5,888.83
Savings Account: $3,764.66
TOTAL: $9,653.49
- Review of Financial Records
John Hilditch did a review (random sampling) of the Victoria IMS financial records and found everything to be in order.
Motion from Joyce Elliott to accept the financial records including the financial statement (point 5 above).
- Determine if audit is required
Motion from Rhonda Duncan that no audit will be required.
- Directors’ reports
The reports were pre-circulated to the members of VIMS.
Motion from Rod House to accept the reports.
- Transition to B.C.’s new Societies Act
The Victoria IMS constitution and bylaws will have to be amended by the fall of 2018. The amendments needed will be undertaken by Council and can be voted on at a special general meeting or at the next AGM to be in effect.
- Election of officers
All current directors were willing to stand for another year and informed Brock Brown that they meet the necessary requirements. As Sandra Joy was unable to attend the AGM she sent her consent to be elected in advance to Brock Brown.
Officers acclaimed on slate presented:
BrockBrown – Chair
Bruce MacRae – Vice-Chair
June Fukushima – Treasurer
Sandra Joy – Secretary