Notes and Audio Links – Eve Decker Retreat – May 23 and 24, 2014

Eve Decker May 23 24 Retreat Handout 2014

Eve Decker – Music and Dharma Retreat –
Home in the Present Moment

Home can be seen as whatever is happening in this moment, because it is the only thing that actually exists for us. Mindfulness allows us to see that ‘this moment’ is always brief and fleeting; subject to impermanence. And yet it is all that there is, so we bring our attention to this home, this moment. When we are here, we can see that there are at least three skillful ways to respond to the home that is arising: with lovingkindness, with compassion, and/or with gratitude. In this way we infuse our ‘home’ with a sense of comfort, care, and love.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

 Introduction and overview [opening]

Song: I Have Arrived [chant01]

About refuges and precepts [refuges and precepts]

Walking meditation [walking instructions]

Song: Breath [chant02]

Talk on mindfulness as key to Home in Present Moment. Poems: Mindful; Please Come Home; Guest House. Speaking on awareness and inquiry.  [Home in the Moment] Song: Return Again

Song: Impermanence chant [chant03]

Talk on impermanence.  [Impermanence Talk]  Song: Both Sides Now

Song: Metta chant [chant05]

Talk on Lovingkindness, [Lovingkindness Talk]

Song: I am Loved [chant06]

Song: By Love Alone [chant04]

Q and A [Synopsis + Question and Answers]

Songs: We Have Only This Moment; [chant12]

Sunday May 25, 2014

Song: I Have Arrived [chant01]

Welcome, Precepts and Refuges [Sunday-Refuges/Precepts]

Talk on compassion. Includes relationship to impermanence; 4 noble truths; Poems
[Sunday Compassion]

Song: I am Sending You Light [chant08]

Introduction to Kwan Yin [Sunday Kwan Yin]

Song: Kwan Yin Chant [chant09]

1:15 Talk on gratitude – ‘gratias’ means both gratitude and grace in Latin.
[Sunday Gratitude]

Song: My Grateful Heart [chant11]

Song: Breath [chant02]

Talk on daily life practices –the importance of a regular meditation practice and regular heart practice(s); buddies and groups; intention setting. [Sunday – Daily Life Practices]

Poem The Silkworm. [Sunday – Silkworm]