VIMS02: – James Baraz’s talk at UVic, July 3, 2011

On Sunday evening James talked about aversion and desire and how both states increased our frustration and suffering. He noted that the task of spiritual practices and our everyday life is to have an attitude of allowing everything to be here, without pushing it away and without grasping or trying to possess it, and to allow it to move away as it will do.  He mentioned 3 qualities of mind and heart that supported this attitude of opening and that are cultivated through meditation.  These 3 qualities are: forgiveness, patience, and a sense of  humor or having a lightness of heart.  He also spoke about the importance of looking for and focusing on the good and the joys in our lives rather than on the problems. James encouraged us to notice these moments of well being and really take them in. Mindfulness amplifies moments of well being. When life is challenging, mindfulness allows us to hold things in a way that doesn’t compound the problem, for example by introducing compassion.  A complete recording of James’ talk is below.
A huge bow of gratitude to James, Jane, volunteers and the council for a wonderful evening.