Victoria Insight Meditation Society
Annual General Meeting Minutes
June 9th, 2022, 6:30 p.m. Online Meeting, Victoria, BC
Agenda Items:
1. Call Meeting to Order.
Brock Brown brought the meeting to order.
2. Establish Quorum.
A quorum was established with eight members present.
Council Members: Brock Brown, June Fukushima, Kevin Keliher, Rhonda
Members: Brian Chapel, Joan Glover, Joyce Elliott and Sandra Joy
Absent with Regret: Council Member Bruce MacRae, Council Nominee Joe
3. Review and Approve Agenda.
Motion from Joan Glover to approve the agenda. Carried.
4. Approve Minutes from the AGM of June 24, 2021.
Motion from Rhonda Duncan to approve the minutes. Carried.
5. Financial Statement January to December 2021.
Motion from June Fukushima to accept the 2021 financial statement. Carried.
Action: June Fukushima will ask VIMS’ volunteer bookkeeper Wei Wu to update
the financial statement (i.e., add budgeted expenses and final total for Margo’s
2nd retreat).
Dec 31 2021
Chequing: $ 1,967.37
Savings: $ 13,792.61
Total: $ 15,759.98
6. Review of Financial Records.
Joyce Elliott reviewed financial records. She reported books are in good shape,
well organized, all the numbers lined up, all invoices and deposits (e.g., PayPal)
were present to support the numbers in the financial records.
7. Determine if audit is required.
Joyce Elliott's opinion was that a financial audit was not necessary at this time.
Motion from Joyce Elliott that no financial audit be done. Carried.
8. Directors Reports (pre-circulated).
Motion from Joan Glover that Directors’ Reports be accepted. Carried.
The decision to stop using Constant Contact was discussed. The new software
program (free), had its trial run and worked well. Reasons for ending our
involvement with Constant Contact (CC) were: the CC expert (Brian Chapel) was
ending his time on council, and CC was expensive. is free, and in terms of
updates has more of a future. Plan to also change CC newsletter to
MailChimp, which is also free.
9. Election of Officers
Brock Brown (President)
Bruce MacRae (Vice President)
June Fukushima (Treasurer)
Kevin Keliher (Secretary)
Rhonda Duncan (Director)
Joe Barrett (Director) Joe submitted a letter to the Victoria IMS Board
Chairperson Brock Brown giving consent to be a Board member.
Motion from Brock Brown that the slate of officers be accepted. Carried.
Members thanked Brian Chapel for his many years as a Council member.
10. Meeting Adjournment.
Motion from Brock Brown to adjourn this meeting. Carried.