2018/06/19 VIMS AGM meeting minutes

Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)

 Annual General Meeting

Minutes (approved)

Tuesday June 19, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

Agenda Items:

  1. Call to order


  1. Establish Quorum (minimum 3 members per VIMS’ bylaws)

Council: Brock Brown, Brian Chapel, Rhonda Duncan, June Fukushima, Bruce MacRae, Sandra Joy

Members: Rod House, Joyce Elliott, Joan Glover

Guests: Shelly Hilditch, Isabelle House, Joanna Stonechapel

Absent with regrets: John Hilditch (Founding Member)

  1. Approve Agenda

Motion from Joan Glover to approve the agenda.

  1. Approve Minutes from May 25th, 2017 AGM


Motion from Rod House to approve the minutes from the May 25th, 2017 AGM.


(Bruce MacRae to modify the website to indicate that the 2017 AGM minutes are approved)


  1. Financial Statement for January to December 2017


June Fukushima continued to fulfill the role of Treasurer in 2017 and Wei Wu the role of Bookkeeper.  Thanks to both June and Wei for their efficient oversight of Victoria IMS finances.


Account balances as of December 31st, 2017:


Chequing Account:            $3,005.74

Savings Account:              $6,781.44

TOTAL:                            $9,787.18


June Fukushima motioned to receive the 2017 financials.



  1. Review of Financial Records


John Hilditch did a review (random sampling) of the Victoria IMS financial records and found everything to be in order.


A signed letter to this effect was received from John Hilditch.


  1. Determine if audit is required


Motion from Bruce MacRae that, based on the Financial Records review, no audit will be required.


  1. Directors’ reports


The reports were pre-circulated to the members of Victoria IMS. The group engaged in a general discussion about the Sunday Night Community Sit program and possible changes that could be made for 2019.


Motion from Brock Brown to accept the Directors’ reports.



  1. Election of officers


All current directors were willing to stand for another year and informed Brock Brown, as Chair, that they met the necessary requirements. Brock Brown asked if there were further nominations and there were none.


Officers acclaimed on slate presented:


Brock Brown           – Chair

Bruce MacRae        – Vice-Chair

June Fukushima      – Treasurer

Sandra Joy             – Secretary

Brian Chapel           – Director at large

Rhonda Duncan      – Director at large


Motion from Brock Brown to accept the slate of council.



  1. Approve new Victoria IMS Constitution and Bylaws


June Fukushima provided some background to the new BC Societies Act and supporting documentation to explain the changes that were made (differences between the current and new Constitution and Bylaws) and walked the group through the changes.  Everyone was satisfied that the revised Victoria IMS Constitution and Bylaws met the organization’s needs.


Motion from June Fukushima to accept the new Constitution and Bylaws. Carried.


  1. Adjournment


Motion from Brock Brown to Adjourn.

Carried – 8:24pm.