2014/06/19 VIMS Council Meeting Minutes


Victoria Insight Meditation Society

Council Meeting Minutes for June 19, 2014

Grant and Theresa’s Home

Present: Lawrie, Brock, Grant, Theresa

Absent with Regret: June, Brian, Bruce

  1. Approval of Agenda: Moved: Lawrie

  1. Approval of Minutes of May 15: Moved: Lawrie

  1. Business arising from the Minutes and Updates:

  • Eight participants attended the June beginner drop-in. Council members made a decision by e-mail to cancel the July and August sessions as Brock and Margo are unavailable.

  • Eve Decker retreat (May 24/25): It was reported that the retreat went very well. Forty two people participated on Saturday and 33 on Sunday. VIMS would like to thank retreat managers Isy, Blaire and Naseem; Rod for registration and sound as well as Brock, June and Margo for providing hospitality.

  • Venerable Pannavati and Tuere Sala visited Victoria on May 28th and Venerable Pannavati gave a talk at the Garry Oak room.

  • Council decided by e-mail to meet with VIMS members and Shelly and Isy. The meeting is scheduled for July 23, 7:00 pm at Brock/June’s home.

  • Vimalasara is scheduled to speak Sunday night, July 6th

  1. Financial Update: (Grant) The bank balance as of May 31: Chequing account: $5,666.59 and Savings account: $1,217.80.

  1. Communications:

Motion: To put out information cards at the Sunday night sittings for a trial period until the end of August. – Moved: Brock. Carried.

  • Brock requested that Council members review the AGM material and make suggested changes as soon as convenient.

  • Brock asked whether the required paperwork for the Societies Registrar had been completed and our annual cheque mailed in. As the Secretary was not present, we will revisit this in July.

  • Council members discussed the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation and how it relates to the VIMS mailing list, newsletter and retreat invitation circulations. We will continue the discussion.

  1. Study Group: The group will likely resume in January of 2015. Council will discuss details closer to that time.

  1. Sangha Social: Motion: To secure the Garry Oak Room for a sangha social event from 5:30 to 9:30 pm on October 18th, 2014. Moved: Brock Carried.

  1. Beginner Drop In: Council will discuss this in July

  1. Upcoming Retreats: Motion: To rent the hall at Cadboro Bay United Church for two hours for a cost of $64.20 each time for both Ajahn Sona and Taan Geoff retreats as well as the necessary number of tables, rented at $5.00 each, to be determined by retreat managers. Moved: Brock. Carried.

Next Meeting: July 17, 7:00 – 9:30 at Brock and June’s home.