VIMS Council Meeting Minutes (approved)
Thursday, April 17th, 2014 at 7:10 pm
Lawrie’s home
Brock, June, Lawrie, Brian
Absent with Regrets:
Bruce, Grant, Theresa
Agenda Items:
- Review and Approve AgendaMotion from June to approve with amendments.
Carried. - Approve Minutes of March 20th, 2014Motion from Brock to approve with amendment:
Correct spelling mistakes then remove “UN”.
Carried. - Business Arising from the Minutes and UpdatesThe April beginner drop-in had seven participants.
Brock, June, Lawrie, Helene visited the Gordon Head United Church to check its suitability for VIMS events.
Carol McDonald investigated the Salvation Army Citadel. It has a large capacity. One of Brian’s neighbours is an active member there.
Theresa is considering putting a request into the newsletter for volunteers to provide lunch for retreat teachers.
June will report back. - Financial Update – Numbers from GrantAccount balances as of 2014-03-31:
Chequing 4,311.76 Savings 1,216.27
Motion from June that March financial statements have been received.
Carried. - Communications – Bruce, June$462.00 USD ($518.01 CAD) has been pre-paid to Constant Contact for 12 months to get a 30% discount.
Tier 2 gives us 501-2500 active contact addresses and registrations for 2-5 published events/year. As of April 17 we had 496 contacts and upcoming events will very likely generate more interest.
Payment was on Rod’s credit card so he will need to get re-reimbursed.Gratitude to Carol and June for producing index-card size VIMS posters.
- Kate Dresher to lead Sunday Night on May 4thMotion from Brock to reimburse travel and parking expenses for Kate to get here from somewhere in the Port Townsend area as a foot passenger.
Carried. - Visiting TeachersVimalasara to lead Sunday night sit on July 6th.
Ven. Pannavati invited to give talk on May 28th
- Garry Oak room booked from 7:15 pm to 9:15 pm for $60.
- Reimburse travel on Clipper for Ven. Pannavati and Tuere.
- Put out two dana baskets for the Wednesday evening event.
- Ven. Pannavati and Tuere to stay at Brock and June’s on the evening of May 28th.
Moved by Brock.
Carried. - Upcoming Retreat DetailsFor the April 19-20 Pascal Auclair retreat, Lawrie will provide rides for the teacher and will manage the sound system.
Currently 90 people are registered.
Lawrie will talk to Margo about mentioning both dana baskets in the manager’s remarks.Ajahn Sona is confirmed for July 12-13.
Accommodation will be in Brock and June’s kuti or the suite in their house.Tahn Geoff is confirmed for August 16-17.
Accommodation will be in a quad at UVic.
June paid a deposit. - 2015 RetreatsTeachers are confirmed for five weekends at Goward House:
Jan 24-25 Heather Martin Mar 14-15 Christina Feldman May 23-24 Brock Brown Sep 26-27 Margo McLoughlin Nov 7- 8 Howie Cohn
June will look for an erroneous date, probably due to a copy-and-paste error, spotted by Grant in one of the contracts.
We are highly likely to get a visit from a monastic some time during the year.
- Scheduling the AGMMay 15th before the regular council meeting.
June will look for someone off-council to look at books.
Brock is asking present Council members what their intentions are for leaving or staying on Council. Brock, Lawrie, Brian and June have agreed to return to Council for another year. Brock will follow up with Theresa, Grant and Bruce.
June will send Brian a copy of last year’s AGM Agenda and Brian will send out this year’s AGM Agenda to the VictoriaIMS members no later than May 1, 2014.
- Checking in with VIMS volunteersJune circulated ideas for format and content for a possible get-together.
- Adjournment9:30 pm