VIMS Council Minutes Feb 2014

VIMS Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 20th, 2014 at 7:10 pm

Lawrie’s home



Lawrie, Grant, Theresa, Brock, Brian

Absent with Regrets:

June, Bruce

Agenda Items:

  1. Review and Approve AgendaMotion from Brian to approve.
  2. Approve Minutes of January 16th, 2014Motion from Theresa to approve.
  3. Business Arising from the Minutes and UpdatesOnly one person attended the beginner’s drop-in session on February 2nd (Superbowl Sunday).Heather’s retreat was very successful and the feedback was positive. Registration peaked at 85. An average of 58 people attended each day.
  4. Study GroupTheresa will ask Heather what she wants to do about a possible June session.
  5. Upcoming retreats
    • Brock Brown – March 16thRegistration has begun. A good number of new people have signed up. We still need a sound person.
    • Pascal Auclair – April 19th and 20thStill need to organize a ride from the ferry or airport on the Friday and a ride to the airport on the Sunday for a 9:00 PM flight.
  6. Financial Update – GrantAccount balances as of 2014-01-31:
    Chequing  1,774.16
    Savings   3,214.41


    Heather’s retreat was very close to what was budgeted.

  7. 2014 BudgetMotion from Grant to accept circulated 2014 budget.
    Carried.Motion from Grant to allocate all but a $500 scholarship portion of the discretionary fund to the general fund with intention to revisiting the allocation in June.
  8. Communications – BruceNo report but everything is fine.
  9. 2015 RetreatsChristina Feldman is confirmed for March 14th and 15thOther ideas include: Guy Armstrong, Heather, Brock, Margo, Howie Cohn, Adrian Ross, Anna Douglas, a monastic, Pascal, Gary Lang, Rodney Smith, Wes Nesker
  10. Adjournment9:18 pm


Next Meeting

March 20th, 2014
Brock and June’s home