VIMS Council Minutes Jan 16 2014

VIMS Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 16th, 2013 at 7:10 pm

Grant and Theresa’s common room



Lawrie, June, Grant, Theresa, Bruce, Brian

Absent with Regrets:


Agenda Items:

  1. Review and Approve AgendaMotion from Bruce to approve with amendments.
  2. Approve Minutes of December 19th, 2013Motion from June to approve with amendments to date of November meeting.
  3. Business Arising from the Minutes and UpdatesMotion from June to fix the October date in the November minutes.

    Motion from June to remove home addresses from minutes.

  4. Study GroupSee the website for updates.
    Currently nothing booked for the fall.
  5. Brock’s RetreatPascal will be the registrar.
    Grant will be the manager.
  6. NewsletterGratitude to Carol Macdonald for all of her fine work.
    • 465 people on mailing list as of January 3rd
    • 319 of them opened the newletter
    • 112 clicked through to the website (56 to VIMS retreats)


  7. Nuns’ VistGrant will get them from the Salt Spring ferry.
    Check the website for January 27th.
  8. CommunicationsLetter received from Coast Capital about our insurance renewal.
    Inquiry from anonymous long-time member about how to donate to the Sangha.
  9. Beginners’ SessionsKeep them listed in multiple places on the website.
  10. Financial Update – Grant$1882 disbursed from the discretionary fund in 2013.

    Account balances as of 2013-12-31:

    Chequing               3,667.93
    Savings                4,624.51
    Pre-payments and cash    750.00


    Fund balances as of 2013-12-31:

    General                6,186.31
    Discretionary          2,856.13


  11. 2014 BudgetDiscussion.
  12. Adjournment8:55 pm


Next Meeting

February 20th, 2014
Lawrie’s home