Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)
Annual General Meeting
May 13, 2013
The second annual general meeting of the Victoria Insight Meditation Society was held on May 13, 2013 at the home of John and Shelly Hilditch,Suite304,1110 Oscar St.,Victoria, B.C. V8V 4W5. The meeting commenced at 7:40 p.m. with a short meditation.
Theresa Aspol, Brock Brown, June Fukushima, Joan Glover.John Hilditch, Rod House, Bruce MacRae, Lawrie Thicke.
Regrets: Joyce Elliott, Brian Chapel
Guests: Grant Smith, Shelly Hilditch, Isabel House
1. It was moved by John Hilditch, seconded by Theresa Aspol that Brock Brown be asked to chair the meeting. Brock agreed. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
2. It was noted that a quorum was present.
3. The notice of meeting and agenda were circulated to the members more than two weeks prior to the meeting. It was moved by Rod House, seconded by Bruce MacRae that the agenda be approved. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
4. It was moved by June Fukushima, seconded by Lawrie Thicke that the minutes of the previous A.G.M. of May 12, 2012 be approved. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
5. A financial report and financial statements for 2012 were circulated. John Hilditch verified that on May 2, 2013 he examined the financial records of Victoria Insight Meditation Society for the financial year 2012. He reconciled the Society’s records with statements from Coast Capital Credit Union and verifies that the financial records for Victoria Insight Meditation Society for 2012 are in order and correct. It was moved by Lawrie Thicke, seconded by John Hilditch that the financial report be received. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed. (Financial Report attached)
6. Directors’ Reports for January to December 2012:
A detailed report of Victoria Insight Meditation Society activities and accomplishments was pre-circulated (attached). Brock commented that we had a very active, successful year and congratulated the council and members of the sangha for their fine work.
7. It was moved by Bruce MacRae, seconded by Lawrie Thicke that an auditor’s examination and report not be sought. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
8. It was moved by John Hilditch, seconded by June Fukushima moved that the annual membership fees be zero. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
9. At this point in the meeting all directors retired from office.
Election of Officers: It was moved by Rod House, seconded by John Hilditch that the following positions be filled by acclamation:
Brock Brown: president
Bruce MacRae: vice-president
Brian Chapel: secretary
Grant Smith: treasurer
June Fukushima: director
Theresa Aspol: director
Lawrie Thicke: director
All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
John Hilditch and Rod House have retired from Council. Following the A.G.M. an Appreciation Circle was held, honouring the important contributions made by Rod and John.
10. There being no further business it was moved by Lawrie Thicke, seconded by Joan Glover that the meeting be terminated. All were in favour. Brock declared the motion passed.
The meeting terminated at 8:15 p.m.
Brock Brown, Chair John Hilditch, Secretary