Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)
Minutes of the Victoria IMS Council
April 8, 2013
A meeting of the VIMS council was held at the home of Brock Brown and June Fukushima,Victoria, B.C. on April 8, 2013. The meeting commenced at 7:35 p.m. after a brief meditation.
Present: Brock Brown -chair
Lawrie Thicke retreat operations
John Hilditch secretary
Bruce MacRae technology and communications
June Fukushima treasurer
Theresa Aspol member-at-large
Grant Smith guest – bookkeeper
Regrets Rod House
1. Approval of the agenda: Brock added another item to the agenda – an inter-sangha meeting in California. It was moved by Brock Brown that the agenda be approved as amended. The motion received unanimous endorsement. Brock declared the motion Implemented.
2. Approval of the minutes of the February 11, 2013 meeting. It was moved by John Hilditch that the minutes be approved as circulated. The motion received unanimous endorsement. Brock declared the motion Implemented
3. Business arising from the minutes and updates:
- Margo’s one-day retreat on February 24 was well received. The council recognizes Margo’s valuable contribution to the sangha.
- Kevin Griffin’s week-end retreat was well attended although the attendance was lower on Sunday. Financially, income exceeded expenses; we received many positive comments from participants.
- Two scholarships have been approved. Brock Brown moved that the upper limit for any scholarship be $250. The motion received unanimous endorsement. Brock declared the motion Implemented. The Council agreed to do a review of the Scholarship policy at the next Council meeting.
- A “Victoria Insight Meditation Society” imprinting stamp has been purchased – a gift from Eric Bedard. The council thanks Eric for his generosity.
- An electric kettle and a three-litre thermos have been purchased for use at our retreats and events. We acknowledge Sandra Joy’s generosity in storing the retreat supplies in her home and transporting them to and from Goward House on retreat days.
4. 2013 Retreat Manager and Registrar Support:
Lawrie and Theresa reported that assignment of managers and registrars for the 2013 retreats is in hand. There is some difficulty obtaining volunteers for the manager role from those who have not had the experience. It was suggested that it may be easier if new volunteers co-manage with someone more experienced. Another possibility may be to have the lunch and flowers roles removed and assigned to someone else. This matter will be revisited.
5. Treasurer’s Report:
June presented a financial summary. As of March 31 we have $1,606.25 in the chequing account and $6,582.13 in the savings account, making a total of $8,188.38. The council thanked Grant for his fine work in managing the bookkeeping and providing information for these reports. Brock presented a motion, pre-circulated on the agenda, to give Grant Smith on-line access to our Coast Capital accounts. The motion received unanimous endorsement. Brock declared the motion Implemented.
5.5 Inter-Sangha Meeting:
Gil Fronsdal and his group inRedwood City,Californiaare planning an Inter-Sangha Meeting. This event, held annually, is an opportunity to share information with other North-American Insight groups. It will be held in late August. June was absent for the discussion and vote on this matter. Lawrie Thicke moved that up to $1,500 be allocated from the Discretionary Fund to send June Fukushima to this meeting. Brock and June abstained from voting. Four votes were cast in favour of the motion; there were no negative votes. Brock declared the motion Implemented. June will offer to give a presentation on the Gradient Voting System.
5.6 Our sangha has received gifts of dharma books from Metta Forest Monastery and from Birken Forest Monastery. The books have been made available at the Sunday night sits, the study group meetings, the Fairfieldand Sooke home sits, the Brentwood Bay Mindfulness Community group and the Salt Spring Vipassana Community. We will also make a gift of books to the Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre who are engaged in the Path of Freedom program which provides books to inmates of correctional institutions
6. Communications:
- The number on our email list has continued to grow, currently at about 470. The cost of using Constant Contact will increase by $126 a year if the number reaches 500. Bruce MacRae moved that we continue to use Constant Contact and pay the additional cost should it arise. The motion received unanimous endorsement. Brock declared the motion Implemented. The increased rate allows for up to 2500 addresses.
- Volunteer changes and needs: Joseph Briante is now resuming producing the newsletter on alternate weeks with Bruce MacRae. We need a back-up “sound” person – someone to help with recording talks at retreats. Bruce is usually but not always available: he also prepares the recorded talks and posts them on the website. The council thanks Bruce for his work in this area.
7. VIMS AGM: The Annual General Meeting will be held preceding the next council meeting, scheduled for May 13, 7:30 p.m. Notice of the AGM will be sent to all members. In accordance with our by-laws, Council members hold one year terms. Council members are to let Brock know soon their intentions for the coming year to determine if new members to need to be recruited.
8. 2014 Retreats:
- Heather Martin:week-end of January 25, 26. Council was in favour of Brock asking her to teach a beginner’s retreat.
- Pascal Auclair will teach a week-end retreat April 19, 20.
- James Baraz will teach a week-end Vipassana retreat on September 27, 28. With his wife, Jane Baraz, he will teach an Awakening Joy retreat on the following week-end, October 4, 5.
Additional possibilities to be explored:
- Howie Cohn – August 3.
- Ajahn Sona: We will not know until April 2014 if he can come toVictoriain 2014.
- Retreats with Brock and Margo
- Eve Decker: In response to requests from sangha members that Eve return Brock will ask Eve Decker about her availability to teach a week-end retreat in 2014.
9. 2015 Retreats:
Christina Feldman has confirmed her availability to teach a week-end retreat.
10. The next council meeting will be held following the A.G.M., which will be held at 7:30 p.m., May13, at John Hilditch’s residence.
The meeting terminated at 9:45 p.m
Brock Brown, Chair John Hilditch, Secretary