010 Audio Steve Armstrong Retreat 2017 –

Sunday AM.     “Let’s just sit”…..guided meditation….

Reconnect with awareness and kind of intention that allows awareness to be recognized more of the time.

-as soon as we settle in, then we start being aware….were we aware before that?   Let body come to a natural stillness.   Bring attention inside body.   Wherever there is holding, let it go.   Relax on to sitting bones.   Doing scan of body allows us to feel longstanding holding patterns especially around eye/jaw.   Release tension of jaw.   

Release holding in shoulders, let breath expand under hands.   Settle into present moment, let it come to you.   Recognizing what you’re doing/what you are receiving.    Notice sensations.

-Mind too…no agenda but recognize present moment.   This is normal….nature of mind to think, feel.   Goal not to stop mind.   Goal to let it all be there, and to the degree we can, without reactivity, then it all settles down to quiescent fluxing activity of mind.  

Attend to a particular activity of mind:

  1. To remember
  2. To recognize present moment
  3. Awareness

If any intention to practice awareness, this is what we attend to.    Encouraging capacity of mind to recognize it’s own activity of awareness.

Don’t have to make mind be aware.   It will arrive, recognize spontaneously.   Awareness that knows the present moment.  

  • That which does the knowing is the mind.   In every moment there is a knowing:
  • Mind
  • Knowing
  • Object.   

Cultivating recognition of mind and activity of knowing.   And, when we recognize the knowing, that’s awareness.   So, we’re practicing awareness.   Recognizing the knowing activity, moment by moment. What is known will change, moment to moment.   So, we don’t need to hold onto any of it, or try to get rid of any of them.   Don’t get entangled by narrative about them and our relationship to them : sounds, sensations, thoughts.  

***Attitude of;    LET IT COME, LET IT BE KNOWN; LET IT GO.

Awareness has:

-No preference

-knows everything equally

If we struggle, that’s our own preference….

Recognize attachment and aversion.   Just another experience being known.   

** Just remind yourself to remember.