2016/05/25 VIMS Council AGM Minutes

Victoria Insight Meditation Society (VIMS)

 Annual General Meeting


Thursday May 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Agenda Items:

  1. Call to order


  1. Establish Quorum (minimum 3 members per VIMS’ bylaws)

Council: Brock Brown, Brian Chapel, Rhonda Duncan, June Fukushima, Sandra Joy, Bruce MacRae

Members: Joan Glover, John Hilditch, Rod House

Guests: Shelly Hilditch, Isabelle House

Absent with regrets: Joyce Elliot

  1. Approve Agenda

Motion from Joan to approve.
Seconded by Brock.

  1. Approve Minutes from May 21st, 2015 AGM

Motion from John to approve.
Seconded by June.

(Bruce to modify the website to indicate that the 2015 AGM minutes are approved)

  1. Financial Statement for January to December 2015

June Fukushima was the Treasurer in 2015 and Wei Wu the Bookkeeper.

Thanks to both June and Wei for their efficient oversight of VIMS finances.

Account balances as of 2016-01-01

Chequing Account:             $2,392.13

Savings Account:                $3,752.78

TOTAL:                                   $6,144.91

The 2015 financial statement will be posted on the website.

  1. Review of Financial Records

John Hilditch did a review (random sampling) of the Victoria IMS financial records and found everything to be in order.

Motion from Sandra to accept the financial records including the financial statement (point 5above).

Seconded by Bruce.


  1. Determine if audit is required

Motion from John that no audit will be required.
Seconded by Sandra

  1. Directors’ reports

The reports were pre-circulated to the members of VIMS.

Motion from June to accept the reports.

Seconded by Joan.


June made a special acknowledgement of the enormous effort given by Isy to organizing the retreat scheduling and staffing, and to producing the associated roles and responsibilities documentation.

  1. Determine annual membership dues

It was noted that according to current Victoria IMS policy we do not have membership dues.  This policy will continue to be in effect.

  1. Election of officers 

Brock offered thanks to everyone who worked on the council in 2015: “I would like to thank all members of the council for their time and efforts. Rod stepped onto council in a temporary capacity in April, 2015 and provided support and guidance for council through October 2015 during my absence. Rod is officially retiring from council I would like to express heartfelt thanks for all he managed to accomplish during this time”.

Rhonda Duncan was invited to attend our December council meeting with a view to possibly joining council.  She officially joined council as a director in January 2016.

All current directors were willing to stand for another year.

Call for other nominations.


Motion from Brock that officers acclaimed on slate presented:

Brock Brown                         – Chair

Bruce MacRae         – Vice-Chair

June Fukushima     – Treasurer

Sandra Joy                – Secretary

Brian Chapel                        – Director (Registrar)

Rhonda Duncan      – Director

Seconded by Brian.


  1. Retirement of Directors

As mentioned above, Rod House is now retired from council.

  1. Adjournment

Motion from Brock to Adjourn.

Carried – 7:35pm.